Monday, 4 May 2015


What you post online is going to be there for a while (some say 'forever'*).

Either way, think about what you say, what you post, and how you do it.

Your social media presence ought to work for you - now, and in the future.

Let's assume you've already posted and uploaded things. 

Your online self should be a projection of who you are, and how you want to be perceived. 

Think back - do you have less well conceived material online?

If your blog is part of your academic studies it's meant to be seen, and judged by others and you've probably constructed it in a more professional manner.

But, what of the other stuff?

Have a think about doing some, or perhaps all of the following:

  • search for your name online - including other versions of it, and nicknames
  • If you find unsuitable, identifiable photographs, posts or comments ask for them to be removed/taken down, or if possible, remove them yourself.
  • delete any old, old social media profiles - your pre-teen BEBO years, your myspace teen years, your rambling personal blogs - anything that doesn't impress.... and can be traced back to you.
  • make sure that your online info' matches that in your CV / resumé. 
  • delete anything that you don't want a prospective employer to see - swearing, boasts about sick days, online arguments about contentious issues etc
  • check Facebook - photo tagging can be your downfall. Check what your friends do to the photos you appear in - untag yourself. 
  • If you don't want a prospective employer to see your Facebook profile at all change your privacy settings.
  • You can also protect your tweets so that only those you approve can see them.

Don't post in haste, be thoughtful.
Do think about the image you want to project.

*Forever's a long time!

suggested reading: 'how you're unknowingly embarrassing yourself online'

Thursday, 12 March 2015


video blog, or vlog = a blog that utilises video

think of it as web television

"Vlog entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other metadata....The vlog category is popular on You Tube

wikipedia: 12 March 2015 19.08 GMT

YouTube turned 10 years old last month (Feb 2015). It continues in rude health. 
Consider using it to broadcast your artwork (as well as searching for others' work).

David Hockney talks to TateShots

Jackson Pollock discusses his painting process

There are other alternatives too.

Many artists and creatives use Vimeo 

Working With Rand from IBM on Vimeo

A million Times, by Humans since 1982 from Humans since 1982 on Vimeo

Richard Mosse: The Impossible Image from Frieze on Vimeo.

or for a quick, short video uploads try Instagram

see Instagram video here
 instagram video

Saturday, 17 January 2015

points of view......


There is a conventional
or popular point of view.

There is a personal
point of view.

There is a small point
of view which just a 
few share.

But there is no right
point of view.

You are always right.

You are always wrong.

It just depends from
which pole you are
looked at.

Advances in any field
are built upon people
with the small or
personal point of view."

Thursday, 15 January 2015

people like lists... share things with others using a list format...

Here's a list of some of my recently saved favourite tweets from my other twitter account:



cheeming boey @iamboey

Jennifer Davis @JDavisArt


and finishing this list with a list....

5. 8 Ways to Improve Your Online Portfolio @Needimages 

"Is your website really showing your art to its best advantage?"

Vase (detail) by artist Charan Sachar