Friday, 5 December 2014

reading your twitter feed (pt2)...

...can reveal information about others' blog credentials.

If you're the curator/editor/researcher/photographer of an important art institution's blog feed, it's a BIG deal.

Jacob Horn - Editorial Assistant at New York's Whitney Museum is taking over the museum's Instagram account.....

He specialises in:

"Writing and editing, research experience, technical literacy, communication, social media, museums and cultural institutions" 
- from LinkedIn

Whitney Museum on Instagram
see also: part 1 of read your twitter feed

Monday, 1 December 2014

read your twitter feed (pt1)...

...because it can contain useful snippets of information.

Using my phone's Twitter app I checked my account - the one linked to this blog. 

I limited my reading to the last 24hrs of its timeline feed.

I either 'retweeted', or 'favourite-d' things I wanted to follow up using the symbols on the lower edge of my timeline of tweets

 ....i.e. things tweeted by those I've chosen to follow

This screen grab of a tweet from @DazedMagazine is particularly pertinent to those using Flickr as their photo blog....

notice the orange star is highlighted - because I saved the tweet to my favourites

It links to an article about Flickr - a popular photo blog for artists, that is about to make money from the images you may have there.

"Are you one of the millions of people signed up to Flickr? It's time to switch your license settings. The Yahoo-owned photo-sharing site has just announced that it will start selling prints of some 50 million Creative Commons-licensed images, but the photographers involved won't see any of the profits. Nope. Not a single penny." 

Read more of the article at Dazed magazine's digital publication site

If you use Flickr and wish to change your Flickr license settings consider the pros and cons of doing so.

The Creative Commons site lists the various licences available to you.

reading your twitter feed part 2